I'm starting to get back into low level embedded systems. I'm back to see what 8-bits can do in a 64-bit world.
Part of this reboot is to cast a fresh eye towards some of the sensor enhanced systems I've been mulling around for the past couple of years.
In particular, I am re-investigating some ultrasonic tracking stuff. In a nutshell, I want to to build a flock of robots (does 3 constitute a flock?) that will follow me around. Think: Mother goose and goslings.
Imagine that you have an ultrasonic transmitter, attached to your belt, that transmits a short "beep" every second. If your robots have 3 ultrasonic sensors each, then they can use hyperbolic positioning (Multilateration) to figure out where you are. (The time difference between the 3 received beeps gives you direction; the receive time between each transmitted beep gives you distance).
Now, every decent circuit I've seen for ultrasonic transducers tend to be fairly complex to build (mostly for clean amplification and rectification of the received signal). Just throwing a transducer onto a (relatively) clean MCU with a sensitive ADC won't cut it. Or can it?
We tend to want to put the cleanest, most linear signal into the ADC, but nature doesn't work that way. Nature uses a ton of error correction (software). Even without perfectly working ears or eyes, the brain adapts to form a "picture".
Given a noisy, weak, poorly rectified signal from an ultrasonic receiver, can software make sense of it?
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